Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. What information do you collect through Shopify’s APIs?

     1.1 Access to ArticleBlogCommentPage, and Redirect.

     1.2 Access to Asset and Theme.

     1.3 Access to ProductProduct ImageCollectCustom Collection, and Smart Collection.

     1.4 Access to Product Listing, and Collection Listing.

     1.5 Access to Location.

     1.6 Access to Script Tag.

     1.7 Unauthenticated access to read the Product and Collection objects.

     1.8 Unauthenticated access to read storefront content, such as ArticleBlog, and Comment objects.

2. We collect

   2.1 the blocks the customer creates

   2.2 the name of the shop

3. We store the information until the shop deletes the app

4. Collected information is used only for providing our app’s services

5. We are established in US

If you have additional questions contact us through the chat